Legal mentions

In accordance with the dispositions of the articles 6-III and 19 from the law “Loi du 21 juin 2004 for the confidence in the numeric economy”

Presentation of the site

In accordance with the dispositions of the articles 6-III and 19 from the law “Loi du 21 juin 2004 for the confidence in the numeric economy” , also called L.C.E.N., we bring the attention of the users and visitors of the site on the following informations:

Legal informations

Status of the owner: Société
Prefixe: SASU
Name of the Company: SEMPER & ADHUC
Address: 122 rue de l’abreuvoir 40210 Labouheyre, France
Phone number: +33 (0)7 87 46 50 57
Company capital: 20 000 €
SIRET : 82299593200024 R.C.S. : RCS of Mont de Marsan and R.M. : RM of Mont de Marsan
VAT intracommunitary number: FR54822995932

Publishing manager: Colin de Tonnac
Email of the publishing manager:
The publishing manager is a natural person

The site is hosted by: 1&1internet, SARL, 7 place de la Gare, 57201 Sarreguemines.



Website development: Lanaworks Web Agency

Product photography: François Passerini

– Director: François Passerini
– DA: Julien Reynaud / C’est super super

Description of the services provided

The purpose of the site is to provide informations concerning all the activities of the company. The site is owned and operated by Colin de Tonnac. He will exercice is best efforts to ensure that the informations provided are as accurate and kept up to date as possible. However, he cannot guarantee nor be held responsible for inadvertent omissions, inaccuracies, delays in the updating, or lacks of precisions, whether they result from him or from any third party furnishing informations to the site.

All the informations offered on the site are given on an indicative basis. They are not contractual, non exhaustive and might evolve. Semper & Adhuc reserves the right to change their content at any time without notice.

Intellectual Property and counterfeits

The owner of the site is in possession of all the intellectual property rights concerning the site and is the sole detainer of the conditions of use of all the content accessible. Any reproduction, copy, modification, republication complete or partial, adaptation of the content of the site, whatever the ways and means used, is strictly forbidden, unless prior express demand and consent written at

The unauthorized use of any content from the site, or of the site in itself will constitute a counterfeit and will be prosecute as a criminal offence in accordance with the dispositions detailed in the “Articles L335-2 and followings of the Code de la propriété intellectuelle”.

Hypertexts links and cookies

The site contains many links towards other sites (partners, articles, blogs…) set up with the authorization of their owners. These websites are independent from the Semper & Adhuc website. The owner of the Semper & Adhuc website cannot edit nor control the sources of these websites or links thereof to other websites. He can and will not therefore be held responsible for the risks of illicit contents that these pages may contain.

The user is informed when he visits the site that one or many cookies may be stored on his computer’s disk. A cookie is a small datafile which cannot identify the user, nor his IP address, but registers informations relative to the browsing of the website. So obtained and stored, the cookies measure and register the frequentation rates. But their main purpose is to facilitate the next browsing, in replying to the requests in a more efficient way.

The software parameterization allows the user to be informed of the presence of cookies, and if requested to refuse their installation, following the terms described on ( the french national comission on information and liberties).

Yet refusing the installation of a cookie may engender the impossibility to access special services provided by the website.

To refuse cookies, the user can nevertheless configurate his computer thanks to the following processes:

Under Internet explorer: tab tool/ Internet options. Click on confidentiality and choose “Block all cookies”. Validate by pressing OK.

Under Netscape: tab edition/preferences. Click on “advanced” and choose “desactivate cookies”. Validate by pressing OK.

Protection of the goods and of the persons. Management of personal data

User: Person connected to the internet visiting the website

In France, personal data are protected in particular by the law “ Loi n°78-87 du 6 janvier 1978”, the law “ Loi 2004-801 du 6 août 2004”,  the “Article L.226-13” of the “Code Pénal” and the european directive of the 24th of October 1995.

On the site, the site’s owner only collect personal informations relative to the user or the need of special services offered by the site. The user provides these informations willingly and consciously, in particular when he enters them by himself. In any case, the obligation of entering or not an information is specified to the user.

In accordance with the french law “Loi n°78-17 du 6 janvier 1978” (and especially the Articles 38 and following) relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés” as amended, the user has a right to access, modify, rectify, or suppress its personal data simply by requesting it at by mail at, or by sending his request written, signed, and accompanied of a signed copy of his identity document, and the adress where the answer must be sent back.

None of the personnal information of the user of the site will be published without his/her knowledge, nor will it be exchanged, transferred, sold, or given to third parties. The one and only case in which the so called informations might be transmitted to a buyer is that of a repurchase of the site to the site’s owner, and of his rights. Yet the buyer would again be submitted to the same obligation of conservation and modification of the data related to the user of the site

The site is declared at the CNIL under the number 2009655vo.

