
Posted on11/07/2019

Whatever your level in watchmaking, as a beginner or a devotee, we have selected a few books to sharpen your knowledge, or maybe just to awaken your curiosity!

SCHULZ, Wilhelm et KAMES, Friedrich Anton. L’horloger à l’établi – Guide pratique du réparateur de la montre – 12ème édition. Éditions Horlogères, 1951. 547 p. 

Since a hundred years, this book has stand as the manual of reference to any watch repairer. It compiles numerous advices and details explanations on the right movements to perform. “L’horloger à l’établi” is at the same time the inseparable companion of the watch repairer, but also a wonderful source of informations for the beginner who wishes to touch on every aspect of a watch, from the repairing of an enamelled casing to the adjusting of the free sprung spiral.

FLUME, Rudolf. K3 Flume Movement Identification Book – 1972 edition, incorporating the latest calibres. Rudolf Flume, 1972. 320p.

This third edition of the Flume house, K3, is the penultimate book in a serie of four, which maps out all the mechanisms from the beginning of the twentiest century until 1972. Classified by types and sizes and using illustrations and references, it contains every types of movements of the pocket and wrists watches. Translated in three languages (german, french and english), it aims at helping the watchmaker in his work of identification of the components (place of manufacturing, brand, period, main characteristics…).

DANIELS, George. La Montre – Principes et méthodes de fabrication., 2011. 420 p. ISBN 978-2-9700656-6-1

This manual retraces the evolution of the works of Georges Daniels, a renowned watchmaker, whose has his own way to manufacture components. The author exposes all the techniques required as well as the tools and instruments necessary for handiwork compared to those used in the industry. He explains in detail the manufacture of a very precise timekeeper and illustrates each step with explanatory schemes. Georges Daniel invites the reader to pursue his own research in watchmaking and thanks to his book give a passionate view of the job to a beginner..

LANDES, David Saul. L’heure qu’il estLes horloges, la mesure du temps et la formation du monde moderne. Les Belles Lettres, 2017. 632 p. ISBN 978-2-251-44657-8

L’heure qu’il est constitutes the first essay on a general history of time measurement and its crucial influence on the formation of the modern civilisation. Excepting the brilliant chinese initiative in the matter, it is in the Europe of the middle ages that appear at the same time both the desire to measure time and to create the tools to do so. By retracing all the steps of development of the instruments of timing, the author highlights that those tools have shaped habits, change mentalities, reflexes and even culture, bringing step by step the outbreak of the industrial society.

REYMONDIN, Charles-André ; MONNIER, Georges ; JEANNERET, Didier ; PELARATTI, Umberto. Théorie d’horlogerie. Fédération des Écoles Techniques, 2010. 368 p. ISBN 2-940025-10-X

La Fédération des Écoles Techniques a créé cet ouvrage afin que son contenu réponde aux exigences de l’apprentissage d’horloger rhabilleur. Cet ouvrage présente l’ensemble des connaissances utilisées dans l’industrie, celles que tout professionnel se doit de posséder. Les passionnés d’horlogerie, tout comme les personnes du métier désireuses de progresser, trouveront dans cette édition les bases de la théorie horlogère, ainsi que les réponses à leurs questions.

